• SPS Molto Dolce is a rich and creamy blend of Burley, Black Cavendish and Virginia topped with vanilla, caramel and honey. Tobacco Style: Ribbon 1.5 oz. Made In USA
  • SPS Maple Street is a superior blend that holds the distinction of being the highest rated maple-flavored tobacco among internet reviewers. The natural sweetness of golden Virginia and the richness of white Burley are enhanced by the raw, natural sap character of maple and complemented with only the highest quality Jamaican Rum. Tobacco Style: Ribbon 1.5 oz. Made In USA
  • SPS Moroccan Spice is an aromatic with mild Spice applied to Virginia, Burley, and Black Cavendish. Tobacco Style: Ribbon 1.5 oz. Made In USA
  • The Pipe Force Episode IV is a Per Georg Jensen signature Series. It is a light, Oriental-focused English mixture accentuated with two novel, stoved tobaccos- Rustica and Katerini. The Orientals are musky and herbal, bringing much of the flavor alongside Red Virginia tand and wood as well as spice from the Stoved Katerini.  The Stoved Rustica offers a stout body and peppery sensation, harmonizing with a light Latakia smokiness. Stoved-or Cavendish-tobaccos are often thought of as the vehicle for top flavoring.  Though this is certainly a fine attribute, the wonderful characteristics imparted from the stoving process can easily be overlooked. Pipe Force illustrates just that with the stoving of two varietals for the first time, Rustica and Katerini. Pipe Force, a series that celebrates pipe smoking by showing innovation isn't a thing of the past, there are still frontiers to explore. Orders Today! 1.5oz tin
  • Sutliff Crumble Kake English #1 - An English smoker’s dream, this tobacco twists together Cyprian Latakia’s, Red Virginias, Burley and Oriental leaf for a well-rounded and classic English blend. This tobacco is a beautiful marriage of the slight, fruity sweetness of the Virginias, the cool smokiness of the Cyprian Latakia’s with hints of earth and nuts provided by the Burley and Turkish leaves. Made in the USA! 1.5oz tin
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