Bits & Filters
Missouri Meerschaum offers a fine selection of Bits & Filters to optimize a cool, sweet smoke with our Corn Cob Pipes.
Savinelli Balsa Wood Filters are made of balsa wood are an excellent alternative to the traditional Paper Filters. They are 6 mm and triangular in shape with channels down the side to collect more of the naturally occurring moisture content while smoking without inhibiting the smoking quality. These fine balsa wood filters fit any 6mm Missouri Meerschaum Filtered Corn Cob Pipe. 20 count
Green Danish Filter Bits are made of propionate plastic, feature a decorative bump in front of the tenon, and come in amber and black. Danish Bits are featured on our Diplomat, General, Let Freedom Ring and Maple Hardwood Apple Diplomat pipes. Both the straight and bent bits will fit any Missouri Meerschaum filtered pipe. See Product Description below for more details.