It’s been 30 years since Missouri Meerschaum Company offered a churchwarden style corn cob pipe. After seeing some of our old churchwardens at pipe shows across the country in the last couple years, we decided that 30 years was far too long to go without a pipe style that many pipe smokers enjoy.
Consequently, several months ago we started making prototypes, hoping to once again offer the churchwarden style in our authentic and original Missouri Meerschaum corn cob pipes. In our excitement over the project, we came up with not just one new churchwarden, but four! Each of the four is unique in appearance. Each one has an Italian vulcanite bit to accommodate the gentle bend that makes the churchwarden style so appealing.
The Wizard (first photo shown below on left) is a full size churchwarden at 11 inches long with a deep bowl for those times when you can sit down and enjoy a long smoke with a bowl of your favorite leaf.
Our two new mid-sized churchwardens have very different bowl designs, but each hold about the same amount of tobacco. The Elf (second photo shown below) bowl shape is a taller version of our Rob Roy bowl, somewhat conical with a rounded flare at the top. The bowl has a dark stain added to the coating and a genuine hardwood insert in the bottom. The Shire (third photo shown below) has an acorn-shaped bowl with a dark stain added to the coating and a genuine hardwood insert in the bottom.
The Dwarf (fourth photo shown below), being the smallest of the series, is just what the name implies – a mini-churchwarden with a smaller bowl for those times when you have minutes, not hours, or when you need to use both hands.
These four pipes – the Wizard, Shire, Elf, and Dwarf – comprise our new Cobbit Collection of churchwarden style corn cob pipes! Check out our Cobbit Collection on our website today and be one of the first to start your collection!